Emergencies and emergency services

In case of an emergency, call 112

If you see a person in mortal danger, act quickly and do not hesitate to call the emergency number 112 – ERC Number in Finland – Emergency Responce Centre Agency – Finland for assistance and instructions.

Emergencies include the following:

  • lifelessness
  • lowered level of consciousness or sudden incoherence
  • accidents
  • stroke symptoms
  • severe chest pain
  • breathing difficulties
  • excessive bleeding
  • unbearably strong pain
  • severe allergic reaction (cold sweat, difficulty breathing)
  • sudden or worsening suicidal thoughts

Emergency services

Situations that require emergency care include the following:

  • major injuries and broken bones
  • bruises and/or bleeding wounds
  • bleeding (e.g. bloody vomit or nosebleed)
  • sudden severe or worsening stomach pain
  • sudden severe headache
  • high fever of a child under 3 months old, over 38°C
  • sudden allergic reaction
  • medication or other poisoning (also call the poison information centre, telephone 0800 147 111 (24 h))
  • eye injuries
  • sudden or worsening symptoms of psychosis and mania
Joupin neuvola

Hallituskatu 20

When your life is not in immediate danger, but your complaint requires urgent examination and treatment, please go to your local health and social services centre during the opening hours.

The contact details for urgent appointments are available here.

Joupin neuvola

Hallituskatu 20

In the case of non-urgent or persistent complaints, you should primarily contact your local health and social services centre, because a scheduled appointment at the health centre is longer than a quick emergency appointment.

The contact details for booking appointments at health and social services centres are available here.

Joupin neuvola

Hallituskatu 20

  • swelling
  • inability to open your mouth fully
  • inability to close your mouth
  • difficulty swallowing
  • fever in connection with any of the above
  • severe pain that is not alleviated by painkillers
  • pain that prevents sleep
  • a chipped tooth accompanied by any of the above symptoms
  • a dental accident
  • an oral ulcer
  • bleeding, e.g. following a tooth extraction, if it feels like your mouth quickly fills with blood
  • a badly chipped incisor that feels bothersome
  • a damaged fixed orthodontic appliance that scratches at you and cannot be covered with dental wax or chewing gum, for example

The following situations do not require urgent treatment:

  • mild pain that can be alleviated by painkillers
  • a loose filling, or a chipped tooth or filling
  • problems with dental prostheses or removable orthodontic appliances
  • accidental loosening or loss of baby teeth
  • tooth sensitivity caused by heat or cold
  • problems with wisdom teeth not associated with general symptoms
  • changes in mucous membranes
Joupin neuvola

Hallituskatu 20

Social and crisis emergency services can help with the following:

  • Urgent child protection cases
  • Substance abuse and crime among minors
  • Domestic violence and intimate partner violence
  • First-line support in a crisis (e.g. death of a loved one)
  • Acute situations in which an elderly person is unable to cope at home alone
  • Other acute situations requiring urgent evaluation or action by the social services

Social and crisis emergency services are NOT responsible for the following:

  • Handling money, making bank transfers, or paying invoices
  • Matters relating to child custody and organising meetings
  • Other situations that can be dealt with during office hours without compromising anyone’s safety
Joupin neuvola

Hallituskatu 20

Medical helpline: 116117

The healthcare professionals of the medical helpline will assess your needs over the phone and direct you to the correct treatment.

If your situation does not require a visit to the emergency clinic, you may be provided with self-care instructions or directed to your local health centre in the coming days.


The chat service (omaep.fi)

You can also use the chat service in situations requiring assessment. A professional will assess your need of treatment and direct you to the service that best suits your situation.

To the chat service (omaep.fi)

Social and crisis emergency services +348 44 470 0444

Social and crisis emergency services provide help in acute situations that require urgent action by the social service authorities.

The Social and Crisis Emergency Centre of South Ostrobothnia provides acute and essential social services to residents of the South Ostrobothnia region and also to persons who are staying temporarily in the municipalities belonging to it.

Emergency oral healthcare outside office hours

Emergency services outside office hours are provided centrally in Seinäjoki (Y-talo, Koskenalantie 18). Always contact the emergency services by phone first.

Please call +358 44 425 5915 on weekday evenings after 15:30 (or 14:00 on Fridays and days before mid-week holidays), and on weekends and mid-week holidays from 8:00 to 21:00.

Please call the medical helpline at 116117 between 21:00 and 08:00.